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.                                                                               Key Cutting

At Hamilton Locksmiths we pride ourselves in the accuracy and efficiency of our key cutting services.  We use high quality and regularly maintained machines to achieve the best results.

Standard Keys

Standard house and car keys are cut normally on our Automatic key machine.  But sometimes the duplication process results in the duplication of the errors  in the key presented also. The result of this is keys that don't work.   Often we can determine what is wrong and rectify it, but on other occasions a greater level of accuracy is required, and the key will need to be produced on one of our code machines.

Car Keys

We have in stock keys to fit almost all makes and models, from the oldest to the newest of vehicles.  We also import and distribute key shells to repair broken keys or remotes, as well as the JMA system of transponder keys.  With the new "TPX" chips we can sort out a key for your transponder equipped car at a price much lower  than you may have imagined or been quoted.

Cutting keys to Code

Cutting keys to code means that we do not copy the errors on an old or worn key but we produce a key to factory accurate specification just like when the car or house lock was new, by cutting each depth to a measured dimension. Accuracy to this standard means a perfectly operating key every time.
We have machinery for cutting keys of virtually all cars and houses, and for determining the codes.

Codes on house and car locks are a special number which we decipher with our database.  Knowing the code can be a very quick and convenient way to get back in from a locked out situation.  We can help you with this.

Master keying and Restricted security keys

Master keying means not only to key locks alike, but to also change the locks so that more than one key will work it.  This is normally part of system that we generate and install but we can also do this over the counter if you prefer.

Resticted profile security keys are a way to ensure that you, as the administrator of the building, know exactly how many keys are issued and who has each one, and can be confident that no extra keys or changes to the system are possible without your express personal authorisation.  This kind of setup needs to be installed, and is normally part of a masterkeyed system as well.

The rules surrounding this after initial installation include:

  1. Extra keys or changes to the system can only be authorised by the provision of an order in writing signed by the administrator.  An email or fax from a preauthorised address will be satisfactory although we do recommend the provision of a password as well when this option is used.
  2. Where a password is also specified, this also needs to be provided
  3. Where rule number 1  is not complied with  no keys will be supplied .  NO EXCEPTIONS !
  4. Where rule number 2 is not complied with no keys will be supplied until we have verified to our satisfaction that the order is genuine and lawfully provided
For your protection, We never keep a printed copy of the keying system, in case of security breach at our premises.  We do keep an electronic record of the system, which is on an encrypted and passworded file.  All keys are cut to code, to ensure accuracy.  We will give you a printed record of the initial installation and system which you should keep in the safe.  This is for your protection in case of an electronic melt down in our office.

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